Lord Radha-Krishna

The eighth avatara of Vishnu – Lord Krishna. is the most universally revered of all Hindu Gods. The life and teachings of Krishna had a profound and powerful influence on Indian thought and life. All aspects of Indian life, culture and civilization – religion, philosophy, literature and arts and day-to-day life have articulated Krishna’s theme and thought. Krishna’s life, philosophy and doctrines have been immortalized by the sage Vyasa in the Mahabharata. The story of Mahabharata has greatly influenced the whole of India and is presented in all Indian languages. The world famous Bhagavad Gita forms part of Mahabharata. Bhagavad Gita, the celestial song of the Lord is considered the essence of Indian scriptures, particularly Upanishads and teaches human beings the values, karma and dharma of life. Gita is the sacred book of the Hindu; since it presents the essence of duties of life, it is not a religious book, but a book of dharma for all human beings irrespective of caste, creed and nationality.

Radha is the beloved of Krishna. She symbolizes the selfless love and yearning for Krishna, the Supreme. The theme of most of Indian literature of medievel period is Radha-Krishna. The saint philosophers and devotee poets Vallabhacharya, Sri Hita Harivamsa, Haridas and Chaitanya and the poets of theis paths of philosophy (sampradayas) such as Surdas and other eight ashtachaap poets, Mira bai, Biharilal and even the medievel Muslim poets namely Raskhan and Rahim spread the movement of devotion to Radha-Krishna extensively. Mathura, Barsana and Vrindaban and Nathdwara are the most sacred and devotional places of Radha-Krishna.

Krishna is worshipped as Bala Krishna (child Krishna), Gopi Krishna (Krishna loved and revered by the milkmaids), Partha Sarathi (The charioteer who drove the chariot for his friend and disciple Arjuna and took him to the Kurukhetra battle field), Raas Raseshwar (The lord of Bliss), Vaasudeva Krishna, (Krishna, the son of Vasudeva); Mathurapati Krishna (Krishna, the king of Mathura), Yogeshwar Krishna (Krishna, the Lord of Yoga) and in many more forms.

It is said in the last verse of Bhagavad Gita:

Where there is Yogeshwar Krishna and the hero warrior Arjuna, there prosperity, success and justice will be.
“Yatra Yogeshwarah Krishnah, Yatra Partho Dhanurdharah
Tatra Shreer Vijayo Bhootih, Dhruvaa Neetir Matir Mama.”